Linux SWAP小技巧 - ZRAM


ZRAM 也就是压缩内存,速度比磁盘快很多。通过把 SWAP 放在 ZRAM 上来提高 SWAP 性能。


/dev/zram0 lz4             4G   4G  1.3G  1.4G       4 [SWAP]

zramctl命令来进行 ZRAM 的配置。


注意:每 GB ZRAM 需要另外消耗 6MB 内存(1TB ZRAM 消耗 6G内存,理论上你内存够可以开这么大,不过纯属娱乐了)




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Free memory expansion for your system! You heard it right, you can expand your memory without spending a penny.


Some people may think I’m referring to swap space, and yes, but not entirely. Let me explain to those without a basic understanding of what swap space is.

交换分区(又叫交换空间,Swap space)会在物理内存接近满的时候被使用。如果系统需要更多内存,比如你在Chrome浏览器里面又打开了一个新的网页,但此时物理内存已经满了,那么物理内存中不活跃的那些部分将会被移动到交换空间(比如某个你打开后一直不看的网页)。物理内存和交换空间的大小总和,就是操作系统可以使用的虚拟内存大小。所以,使用交换空间确实是相当于增加了系统的内存。

Swap space is used when physical memory becomes nearly full. If the system requires more memory, such as opening a new webpage in Chrome browser, but the physical memory is already full, the inactive parts of physical memory (such as a webpage that hasn’t been viewed) will be moved to swap space. The total size of physical memory and swap space is the virtual memory size that the operating system can use. Therefore, using swap space is equivalent to increasing the system’s memory.


However, typically our swap space is located on a hard disk. When memory swapping occurs, the system becomes slow because the speed of hard disk reading and writing is far lower than that of memory. Additionally, since memory swapping uses a lot of I/O, it causes longer hard disk response times, making the computer feel sluggish.


So, is there a way to increase memory without slowing down the computer? That’s what this video is all about.


Indeed, there is, and this method has already been applied to many devices, such as routers, Raspberry Pi, Orange Pi, NanoPi, and even smartphones. This technology is called ZRAM, which means compressed memory. Under Linux, one can create a block of compressed memory and use it like a hard disk. Even though it is compressed memory, its read/write speed and latency are much better than that of a hard disk. We can place the swap space in the compressed memory.


Here, we perform a simple test using the fio tool to test the read/write speed of memory disks, compressed memory, and hard disks.


The fastest speed is tmpfs, which is the speed of memory disk, followed by the speed of compressed memory, which is slightly slower than that of memory disk. The slowest speed is hard disk. As we can see, compressed memory crushes hard disk in every aspect.


By using a combination of compressed memory and swap space, we can increase memory while saving hard disk space and extending hard disk life. When memory swapping is triggered, because the speed of compressed memory is extremely fast, the system won’t become sluggish.


Of course, there is a cost to ZRAM, which is the need to consume CPU to compress memory. However, in my opinion, the cost can be ignored because it is really small. ZRAM is not omnipotent; it has a size limit. If you use a hard disk as swap space, the size of swap space depends on the size of the hard disk. But if you set the swap space on ZRAM, the size of the swap space will depend on the physical memory size and compression ratio. In the ideal extreme case, the space occupied after ZRAM compression cannot exceed the physical memory size. The compression ratio will vary with different compression algorithms and specific memory data. As a reference, I’ve run multiple containers and a neural network model on my NAS. I created a 4G ZRAM for swap space and have used it all up. At this point, it consumes 1.4G of physical memory, and the compression ratio is 0.35.


Finally, let me introduce how to manually create ZRAM and use it for swap space.


Firstly, load the ZRAM kernel module, then use the zramctl command to create a compressed memory device. Here, I allocated 4G. Now use the zramctl command to check; we can see that we now have a device named /dev/zram0 with a capacity of 4G. Then use mkswap to create swap space and use swapon to enable it. Finally, execute the free command to see that we have successfully added 4G of memory!


That’s all the content of this video. If you have any questions, feel free to leave your comment.