
Problem Framework Markov Decision Process (MDP) Discrete time step, can be continuous space of action and state We don’t know the exact outcome of the action Once the action is performed, we know exactly what happened The agent’s state is known (fully observed) – observation and the state is the same here Formally defined as a 4-tuples (S, A, T, R): State Space Action Space Transition Function Reward Function Partially

排序算法 排序算法 最坏时间复杂度 平均时间复杂度 最好时间复杂度 空间复杂度 是否稳定 是否原地 选择排序 n^2 n^2 n^2 1 不是 是 插入排序 n^2 n^2 n 1 是 是 归并排序 nlogn nlogn nlogn

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